A dietary survey of Qi-bao middle school students.

A dietary survey was conducted to determine the food consumption and nutrient intake of middle school students from a rural area near Shanghai China. The study subjects were 392 boy and girl students aged 13-19 years in the Qi-bao Middle School. The survey was conducted during June 1980. The nutrient content in their diet was calculated from the food consumption records and the Food Tables published in 1976 by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. These data yield nutrient intake per person/day. The school clinic records provided height and weight records of these students. In comparison with the norms in the food consumption tables the general composition of the diet was good except that consumption of vegetables was a little below normal owing to their short supply during the hot season and almost no fruits were eaten. The total caloric intake was 2185 calories/student per day which is 85.7% of the recommended daily average (RDA) for this age group. The source of energy was primarily carbohydrates (66.6%); calories from protein accounted for only 10.7% which is lower than the 12% suggested. Energy supplied by fat and oil was relatively adequate representing 22.7% of the caloric total. The protein intake of the students was only 58.4 grams/day. Proteins from soybean (6.2%) and animal origin (22.9%) were relatively low as compared to those from cereals (70.9%). Vitamins except C were inadequate particularly vitamin A. The calcium:phosphorous ratio was 1:3.5 and the calcium intake of the students was 318 mg which is only 1/3 of the RDA. The height and weight of these students was very close to the mean for their age group with those in the 16-19 age group being taller than the county average. Many of the students snacked between meals potentially reducing their appetites. They usually rejected the fat portion of pork and even left some cereal foods during their meals. The estimated intake of nutrients and the food consumption patterns suggest that the nutritional status of the students in this middle school may be inadequate.
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