Corrigendum: A multifaceted sensitivity analysis of the Slovenian public opinion survey data

There are some errors in the text which affect the interpretation, as follows. The penultimate paragraph on page 172 is incorrect and should read We focus on two binary questions, such as the independence and attendance questions in the SPO survey. The 16 theoretical full cell probabilities are as in Table 2, part (a), pro ducing 15 full data degrees of freedom. The generic expression for the cell probabilities is 7Trir2jxj2 = P(R\ = r\, ^2 = r2, J\ = j\ 5 Ji = 72)5 where Rx and Ri denote the missingness indi cators for the attendance and independence questions respectively, whereas Jx and J2 denote the actual responses for the attendance and independence questions respectively. Further, r\ =0 (or r\ = 1) if the answer to the attendance question is missing (or observed), and j\ = 1 (or 71 = 2) if the answer to the attendance question is yes (or no). The indices ri and 72 are similarly defined for the independence question. In the last paragraph on page 175, the words 'independence' and 'attendance' should be interchanged on both occasions so that the sentence reads The aand /^-parameters describe missingness respectively in the attendance and indepen dence questions as the proportion of subjects with a missing response on the attendance and independence questions relative to the proportion of subjects with both responses present, given a particular response combination (71,72). On page 176, for consistency of notation the second column in Table 4 should contain the following entries instead: Address for correspondence: Geert Molenberghs, Center for Statistics, Universiteit Hasselt, Agoralaan 1, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium. E-mail: ? 2009 Royal Statistical Society 0035-9254/09/58575
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