Measurement of Subjective Responses: Quantitative Effects of Drugs

From time to time an investigator who has made a great investment of time and effort, with a large equity in a particular field of endeavor, summarizes his extensive and well-digested experience in a monograph which becomes established as the standard reference volume in the field. Most physicians who have worked hard in their training can name a few, perhaps as many as a dozen, volumes which have provided a major experience in their education. While different physicians might differ in their choice, inevitably a few would occur on nearly every list. This book deals mainly with pain, the symptom which is central to the whole art and science of medicine. It has been the object of Dr. Beecher's researches for more than 2 decades. This book summarizes his own continuing interest and work in the field, outlines some of the steps by which his conceptions have changed and developed,
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