1194-P: Unbinding Constraints on Clinical Inertia and Improving Practices: A Novel Comprehensive Primary Care Approach that Grew a Single Practice of 2,000 Patients to 40,000 Patients in Less than 4 Years

Background: Cano Health (CH) employs a full risk model for their Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollees. In 2014, CH deployed a multipronged practice care management processes (CM) devised to overcome clinical inertia, streamline administration of care, and, standardize performance. Description and Outcomes: CH approach builds on supporting physicians through decision aids, protocols. and larger coordination enabled through technology. Selected components and metrics and ’hard’ outcomes of CH’s approach is detailed in [Table 1]. Conclusions/Lessons Learned: Stand-out results were attained with strategic e-medicine and human resource processes and touchpoints. CH providers were enabled to expeditiously intensify care where clinical inertia persists. CH model has proven reproducible, enduring and scalable; CH met or surpassed U.S. averages for metrics and ’hard’ endpoints for MA enrollees for management of diabetes and other conditions, growing CH from 1 to 52 PC facilities, 14 to 135 MDs, and, 2k to 40k patients in Disclosure R.B. Aguilar: None. M. Osorio: None. J. McGoohan: None. M. Hernandez: None. M. Herman: None. E. Miller: None. M. Conger: None.
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