Processing and storage of apricots: effect on physicochemical and antioxidant properties

The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of processing methods and storage periods on the three apricot varieties viz. CITH-1, CITH-2 and New Castle. Apricots were processed by freezing and canning of pulp and drying of whole apricots. After processing these were analysed for various physicochemical and antioxidant properties for a storage period of 12 months at 4 month interval. The results for physicochemical properties like moisture content, TSS, total sugars and reducing sugars showed significant variation with respect to varieties and processing methods during storage. Apricots processed by canning showed highest retention of antioxidants in terms of TPC, FRAP, DPPH and metal chelating activity throughout storage period than that of frozen and dried one. CITH-2 processed by canning, freezing and drying method showed highest antioxidant properties than CITH-1 and New Castle. It can be concluded from the study that canning and freezing can preserve the apricot pulp for 12 months and significantly retain bioactive compounds.
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