Desarrollo de un software educativo para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la asignatura de matemáticas, los seres vivos, en los estudiantes del tercer año de educación básica del centro educativo comunitario intercultural bilingüe “Yaguarzongo” del cantón Saraguro, provincia de Loja, periodo 2013-2014

His thesis on the topic: DEVELOPING EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE TO STRENGTHEN THE TEACHING - LEARNING THE MATHEMATICS, LIVING THINGS, STUDENTS IN THE THIRD YEAR OF BASIC EDUCATION COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTER INTERCULTURAL BILINGUAL "YAGUARZONGO" CANTON SARAGURO PROVINCE OF LOJA, PERIOD 2013-2014, was conducted with the purpose of improving the teaching-learning process of the mathematics, the overall objective was to develop an educational software to strengthen the teaching-learning process in the subject of mathematics in students of the Third Year of Basic General Education Intercultural Bilingual Community Education Center "Yaguarzongo". The methods used were: Scientist, Analytical, Descriptive, Inductive, Deductive, Synthetic Methodology and software development, as well the use of techniques and instruments such as survey research aimed at teachers and students of the third year was necessary Basic Education, direct observation students in classroom activities, which renders the problem directly from where it originated, for example; according to the results 100% of students said they would like to learn math classes through the use of computers, in addition that it will serve as support material in class activities, or as a reference tool. Finally a discussion which details how both general objectives and specific to be used for the development of this investigation were met is also can say that the educational software to support teaching activities in educational institution evidence of a change favorable in the education system of our country, it is an alternative to offer the user an environment to construct knowledge and improve the quality of education ever achieving a just, equitable and caring society. Recommendations were also established, where it is recommended primarily created educational software is constantly used in math classes, to enable all students to work using this tool to exploit the benefits offered by technological learning materials.
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