Avaliação da descontaminação fúngica de camomila (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert) por meio de diferentes métodos caseiros em duas temperaturas

ABSTRACT: Evaluation of fungal decontamination of chamomile [ Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert] through different home procedures at two temperatures . The increase inthe consumption of medicinal plants has become a Public Health problem due to potentialmicrobiological contamination, especially due to their natural origin and inadequate conditions ofuse and storage. The present study aimed to evaluate the fungal decontamination of chamomile[ Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert] through different home procedures (decoction, infusion, warmwater). Ten chamomile samples from different commercial establishments were analyzed. Theresults of microbiological analyses indicated a reduction in fungal contamination in most sampleswhich, however, did not reach the indexes considered satisfactory, evidencing the need of regulatoryand educational measures to guarantee the quality of these products, from production to harvest. Key words: chamomile, fungal decontamination, infusion, decoction, warm water
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