Increase of the Energy Necessary to Probe Ultraviolet Theories Due to the Presence of a Strong Magnetic Field

We use the gauge gravity correspondence to study the renormalization group flow of a double trace fermionic operator in a quark-gluon plasma subject to the influence of a strong magnetic field and compare it with the results for the case at zero temperature and no magnetic field, where the flow between two fixed points is observed. Our results show that the energy necessary to access the physics of the ultraviolet theory increases with the intensity of the magnetic field under which the processes happen. By also finding that the plasma develops a substantially subluminal limiting velocity in the directions perpendicular to the magnetic field, we observe that the dimensional reduction expected in the gauge theory in this scenario is effective up to an energy scale that increases with the strength of such a background field. This two effects combined can change both, the processes that are expected to be involved in a collision experiment at a given energy and the azimuthal anisotropy of the measurements resulting of them.
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