Improved T reatment R esults i n H igh-Risk P ediatric A cute Myeloid L eukemia P atients A fter I ntensification W ith High-Dose C ytarabine a nd M itoxantrone: R esults o f S tudy Acute M yeloid L eukemia-Berlin- Frankfurt-Mun ster 9 3

Purpose: To improve outcome in high-risk patients, high-dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone (HAM) was introduced into the treatment of children with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in study AML-BFM 93. Patients were randomized to HAM as either the second or third therapy block, for the purpose of evaluation of efficacy and toxicity. Patients and Methods: A total of 471 children with de novo AML were entered onto the trial; 161 were at standard risk and 310 were at high risk. After the randomized induction (daunorubicin v idarubicin), further therapy, with the exception of HAM, was identical in the two risk groups and also comparable to that in
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