Experimental bovine Trichophyton verrucosum infection. Comparison of the rate of epidermal cell proliferation and keratinisation in non-infected and reinoculated cattle.

The rate of epidermal cell renewal in normal bovine skin and that reinoculated with Trichophyton verrucosum was measured using a radioautographic technique. The transit times of both nucleated and fully keratinised cells were measured in sequential biopsy samples removed at predetermined periods after intradermal inoculation with radio-labelled isotopes. The total time taken for cells of the basal layer to travel to the point of desquamation in the stratum corneum was 18 days in normal cattle. In similar areas on cattle that had been reinoculated with T verrucosum the total epidermal cell renewal time was reduced to 12 days. Increased protein synthesis, as measured by incorporation of radio-labelled nucleoside was evident in basal cells within 24 h of reinoculation with the fungus. The nucleated epidermal cell thickness had almost doubled in areas of reinoculated skin within 72 h and increased cell proliferation was maintained for at least 10 days. Desquamation of the thickened stratum corneum had occurred within seven days of reinoculation with the fungus.
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