The Presence of Demodex Mites in Patients with Dermatologic Symptoms of the Face

Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the Demodex prevalence in patients with dermatological complaints who were admitted to our hospital, and to evaluate the socio-demographic characteristics and risk factors of the patients. Yontemler: Demodex aranmasi icin gonderilen 133 hasta calismaya dahil edildi ve hastalara risk faktorlerinin sorgulandigi anket uygulandi. Ornekler standart yuzeyel deri biyopsisi yontemiyle alindi ve farkli gelisim evreleri mikroskop altinda incelendi. Results: Demodex species were found in 93 (69.9%) of the patients. Demodex folliculorum was found in 58 (62.4%) of the patients, Demodex brevis in 13 (14%), Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis in 4 (4.3%) and Demodex species in 18 (19.4%) of the patients. At least one of the Demodex species was found in 77.1% of patients with acne rosacea. No statistically significant relation was found between Demodex positivity and age, gender, number of weekly baths, use of makeup, and common towel use. Though statistically not significant, an increase of Demodex infestation with increasing age was observed. Conclusion: Demodex mite infestations are widespread worldwide without showing important racial and gender differences. In the present study, prevalence of Demodex infestation in patients with acne rosacea was high and this should be taken into consideration, when such patients are treated for their symptoms.
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