Enabling Edge Computing Deployment in 4G and Beyond.

While the integration of fourth-generation (4G) networks with Edge Computing technologies would anticipate the improvements foreseen by the coming of 5G, as well as smoothen the transition to the new technology, 4G does not natively support Edge Computing. Therefore, specific functionalities for user-plane integration and isolation of tenant spaces are required for effectively deploying Edge Computing in 4G networks. This paper describes the design of the end-point between the mobile and edge environments that has been integrated in the telecom layer platform of the MATILDA Project. Such end-point, designed in a Virtual Network Function (VNF), allows intercepting and forwarding data and control traffic towards external Data Networks. Instances of this VNF can be horizontally scaled according to a decision policy, which determines the minimum number of instances required for the current load. Results show that the latency ascribable to the VNF processing is sufficiently low to satisfy the delay budget for all 5G use cases up to 10 ms and that the decision policy based on the QoS Class Identifiers (QCIs) allows scaling with the traffic load, while still fulfilling the performance requirements of each application.
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