Statut démographique et biologie de la reproduction d'une espèce endémique menacée de l'île de La Réunion: Lomatophyllum macrum (Haw.) Salm-Dyck (Siliacées)

Knowledge of the demography and of the reproductive biology of endangered plant species is crucial for the establishment of an efficient conservation strate gy. The authors show that Lomatophyllum macrum, an endangered lily endemic to La Reunion island, is represented by less than 15 populations of extremely reduced size. The analysis of fecundity in natural conditions shows that the fructification rate is no more than 20 %. The breeding system study, performed on 9 cultivated plants in the greenhouse, reveals that the species is partially self-compatible but poorly self-fertile. In the light of these results, the survival of these populations is questioned. Future studies are proposed to improve the basic knowledge of the biology of this species for a long term conservation strategy of its populations in the wild
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