Improvement in the design of a vacuum-degassing unit for steel

After evalauting the beta coefficients of standardized equations, we determined the relative effects of the different independent variables on the dependent variables. We determined whether the relationship was directly or inversely proportional from whether the sign of the given coefficient was positive or negative, respectively. It was found that the strength of the raw pellets in compression depends (in decreasing order) on the consumption of bentonite (+), pellet diameter (+), the swelling capacity of the bentonite (-), and the specific surface of the concentrate (-). The drop strength of the raw pellets is most influenced by the following factors: pellet moisture content (+); bentonite consumption (+); the specific surface of the limestone (+); the swelling capacity of the bentonite (-). In decreasing order, the factors most heavily influencing the shock point are: bentonite consumption (+); pellet drop strength (-); pellet compressive strength (-); the specific surface of the bentonite (+); pellet diameter (-). The moisture content of the pellets is most influenced by the consumption of bentonite (+), the specific surface of the concentrate (+), the swelling capacity of the bentonite (+), and the specific surface of the limestone (+). It should be emphasized that the above results are valid only within the investigated ranges of the independent variables.
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