Effects of essential oils on mycoflora and winter wheat seed germination

The karyotypes of Adonis amurensis from Amur Oblast,' and Adonis apennina from Altai Republic, Khakassia Republic, and Irkutsk Oblast' have been investigated. The karyotype formula was obtained as 2n = 2x =16 = 8m + 8sm(4sat) for all specimens. We estimated karyotype asymmetry through the calculation of the Coefficient of Variation of Chromosome Length (CVCL), Coefficient of Variation of Centromeric Index (CVCI), and Mean Centromeric Asymmetry (MCA), and determination of Stebbins asymmetry index. The chromosome set of Adonis amurensis was found to be more symmetrical than the chromosome set of Adonis apennina. The average absolute nuclear DNA content (2?–value) was originally determined for Adonis amurensis and Adonis apennina by flow cytometry and attained on average 20.38 pg and 17.29 pg, respectively.    Keywords: Adonis L., chromosomes, 2C–value, karyotype, nuclear DNA content, Ranunculaceae References Altinordu F., Peruzzi L., Yu Y., He X. (2016) A tool for the analysis of chromosomes: KaryoType. Taxon, 65(3), 586–592. Cronquist A. (1981) An integrated system of classification of flowering plants. Columbia Univ. Press, New York. Del Grosso F., Pogliani M. (1971) Studio cariologico di Adonis distortus Ten. Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 2(1), 69–79. DOI: 10.21426/B62110466 Dole�el J., Sgorbati S., Lucretti S. (1992) Comparison of three DNA fluorochromes for flow cytometric estimation of nuclear DNA content in plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 85, 625–631. DOI:  10.1111/j.1399-3054.1992.tb04764.x Erst A. S., Sukhorukov A. P., Mitrenina E. Yu., Skaptsov M. V., Kostikova V. A., Chernisheva O. A., Troshkina V. I., Kushunina M., Krivenko D. A., Ikeda H., Xiang K., Wang W. (2020) An integrative taxonomic approach reveals a new species of Eranthis (Ranunculaceae) in North Asia. PhytoKeys, 140, 75–100. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.140.49048 Greilhuber J., Dole�el J., Lysak M. A., Bennett M. D. (2005) The origin, evolution and proposed stabilization of the terms' Genome Size' and 'C-Value' to describe nuclear DNA contents. Annals of Botany, 95(1), 255–260. DOI:10.1093/aob/mci019 Ikeda H., Tsusaka M., Kaneko Sh., Kariyama Sh. (2006) A new locality of Adonis multiflora (Ranunculaceae) and its karyomorphology. Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy, 54, 65–69. Kurita M. (1955) Cytological studies in Ranunculaceae IV. The karyotype analysis in Actaea and some other genera. Jap. Jour. Genet, 30, 124–127. Langlet O. (1932) Uber chromosomenverhaltnisse und systematik der Ranunculaceae. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 26, 381–400. Lavrenko A. N., Serditov N. P. (1985) Karyosystematic study of Ranunculaceae and Paeoniaceae in the north-east of the European part of the USSR. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR, 70(10), 1346–1354. [in Russian]. Lee Y. N. (1967) Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in Korea. J. Korean Res. Inst. Ewha Women's Univ, 11, 455–478. Levan A., Fredga K., Sandberg A. (1964) Nomenclature for centrometric position of chromosomes. Hereditas, 52, 201–220. Luferov A. N. (2004) Taxonomic synopsis of buttercups (Ranunculaceae Juss.) of the Far East of Russia. Turczaninowia,  7 (1), 5–84 [In Russian]. Luferov A. N. (2018) Genus Adonis L. Flora of the Lower Volga region. V. 2: Dicotyledonous flowering plants. Part 1. Salicaceae–Droseraceae.  Resp. ed. N. M. Reshetnikov; Main Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin RAS.  M .: KMK Scientific Publishing Association. 347–350 [In Russian]. Luferov A. N. (2020) On the diagnosis of species Adonis L. (Ranunculaceae) of the flora of Russia. The latest foreign and domestic preparations, 2, 3–14 [In Russian]. DOI: 10.33920/med-06 Mitrenina E. Yu., Erst A. S., Skaptsov M. V., Kutsev M. G., Kuznetsov A. A. (2020) Karyotypes and nuclear DNA content in some Trollius L. and Hegemone Bunge ex Ledeb. (Ranunculaceae) species of Asian Russia and China. Turczaninowia, 23(1), 90–98 [In Russian].  DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.23.1.9 Meusel H., Jaeger E., Weinert E. (1965) Vergleichende Chorologie der Zentraleuropaischen Flora. Stuttgart. G. Fischer. Nishikawa T. (1989) Botanical studies on Adonis amurensis Regel et Radde in Japan (part 2). J. Hokkaido Univ. Educ., Sect. 2B, 39(2), 1–25. Nishikawa T., Ito K. (1979) The chromosome numbers of Adonis amurensis Regel & Radde (sensu lato) of northern Honshu. J. Jap. Bot., 54(12), 353–362. Nishikawa T., Kadota Y. (2006) Adonis. In: Flora of Japan. V. IIa. (Iwatsuki K. et al., eds.). Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo. 287–288. Parfitt B. D. (1997) Adonis L. In: Flora of North America Committee, eds. Flora of North America. V.  3. Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 184–187. Paszko A. (2006) A critical review and a new proposal of karyotype asymmetry indices. Pl. Syst. Evol., 258, 39–48. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-005-0389-2 Peruzzi L., Ero
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