Factors and Conditions of Student Environmental Culture Forming in the System of Ecological Education

The relevance of the study has arisen because the environmental crisis that arose in the second half of the twentieth century is acquiring more and more global nature and the risk of irreversibility of its consequences increases. Overcoming this crisis, preventing or overcoming its negative consequences is possible only through the efforts of the entire human civilization, the development of which should receive a humanistic and environmentally friendly orientation. The formation of a new worldview and ecological culture of both each individual and the human community as a whole, which can be carried out most effectively in the process of environmental education, becomes relevant. The study purpose: this article aims at analyzing various approaches to the formation of ecological culture, factors and conditions of its formation effectiveness. The study results: It establishes that ecological culture is a humanistic culture of human interaction with the biosphere and the socio-sphere, aimed at preserving and restoring the environment and creating the noosphere. The features of modern environmental education are in its development based on the noosphere concept and the concept of sustainable development. The main factors of increasing the effectiveness of ecological culture formation at the cognitive, reflexive-value and activity-based levels of environmental education are identified. The main conditions for the effectiveness of environmental culture formation are the increasing of environmental education importance and the dynamic interaction of its subjects. Practical significance: The materials of the article are of theoretical and practical value for the development of educational and methodical complexes on ecology and ecological pedagogy, teacher training and retraining programs, as well as programs aimed at the formation of new environmentally friendly ideological and value attitudes and behavioral skills of students.
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