Russette: A Russet-skin potato variety, combining high quality, high yields, and adaptation to the Northeastern states and Florida

Russette is a new, late maturing, russet potato variety adapted primarily for the northeastern United States and northern Florida. Tubers are oval to oblong, smooth with a medium-russet skin, and shallow eyes. Its specific gravity is similar to those of BelRus and Russet Burbank in areas of adaptation. Glycoalkaloid content is about 11 mg/100 g fresh weight. Baking quality is excellent, flesh is white, and best color of french fries is obtained from tubers stored at or above 13°C (55°F). Its long rest period makes it amenable to storage at a relatively high temperature before a chemical sprout inhibitor is needed. Russette is immune to virus A and leaf roll-induced tuber net necrosis; highly resistant to Verticillium wilt, tuber pinkeye, and tuber heat necrosis; and has good tolerance to scab, early blight, and Rhizoctonia infection of sprouts, stolon, and roots. Losses to rots and shrinkage in storage have been minimal. Russette is not resistant to viruses X, S, Y, and leaf roll and bacterial ring rot. Russette emerges to a stand about 10 days later than most varieties, however, subsequent vine growth is rapid until tuberization begins. Large-sized tubers may develop hollow heart under a late-season regime of high nitrogen and high moisture. A 22–30 cm (9″- to -12″) seed-piece spacing and 220 kg/ha (180 pounds/a) of nitrogen are recommended for production on mineral soils.
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