Exploitation of combining ability phenomena among elite inbred lines and crosses for baby corn speciality traits in maize (Zea mays L.)

An investigation was carried out to assess the combining ability and nature of gene action in baby corn genotypes using a diallel mating design (without reciprocal crosses) using 12 homozygous lines namely, PDM 112-1, HKI 163, PDM 162-2, HKI 323, HKI 1105, PDM 260-2, PDM 105, PDM 24-3, PDM 53, PDM 4441, and PDM 260-1. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications along with two commercial baby corn check hybrids HM 4 and CPB 472 during summer season of 2016. General combining ability studies revealed that HKI 323 was the best combiner for major yield contributing characters including dehusked baby corn yield per hectare (DHBCY ha-1), husked baby corn yield per hectare (HBCY ha-1), husked baby corn yield per plant (HBCY plant-1), dehusked baby corn yield per plant (DHBCY plant-1), baby corn length (BCL), number of baby corns per plant (NBC plant-1), dehusked baby corn weight (DHBCW). So it can be used as one of the parent in hybridization programme. However, the estimates of specific combining ability showed the desirable SCA effects for all traits studied except for baby corn girth (BCG) in PDM 53 × PDM 4441 and days to 50% silking (DFS), baby corn length (BCL), husked baby corn weight (HBCW) in HKI 323 × PDM 105. Gene action analysis revealed preponderance of both additive and non-additive genes for yield and its contributing characters suggesting recurrent selection could be adopted for the improvement of yield and yield related traits.
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