Double Collins effect in $e^+ e^-\to\Lambda \bar\Lambda X$ process in a diquark spectator model

We study the Collins function $H^\perp_{1}$ of the $\Lambda$ hyperon, which describes the fragmentation of a transversely polarized quark into an unpolarized $\Lambda$ hyperon. We calculate $H^\perp_{1}$ for light quarks of the $\Lambda$ hyperon, in the diquark spectator model with a Gaussian form factor for the hyperon-quark-diquark vertex. The model calculation includes contributions from both the scalar diquark and vector diquark spectators. Using the model result, we estimate the weighted $\cos2\phi_0$ asymmetry in the process $e^+e^- \to \Lambda\bar{\Lambda}X$ contributed by the coupling of two Collins functions. The QCD evolution effects for the first $k_T$-moment of the Collins function and the unpolarized fragmentation function $D_1(z)$ are also included. The results show that asymmetry is sizable and measurable at the kinematical configurations of Belle and BaBar experiments. We also find that the evolution effects play an important role in the phenomenological analysis.
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