[Impact of maternal thyroid disease on the formation of relationships in the maternal-placental-fetal system].

: The purpose of the study was to examine gastric mucosal morphological changes in patients with gastroduodenal pathology after eradication therapy for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). A hundred and thirty-eight patients (40 females and 98 males) were examined. Of them, there were 122 patients with duodenal peptic ulcer, 8 with gastric peptic ulcer, 5 with erosive gastritis, 2 with chronic atrophic antral gastritis, and 1 with non-atrophic gastritis. Two months and a year after therapy, manifestations of gastric mucosal atrophy, the degree of inflammation, and its activity significantly diminished in patients with complete H. pylori eradication. Positive changes were observed mainly in the antral portion of the stomach. In patients with partial eradication, chronic inflammation and its activity became less. Two months and a year following therapy, positive changes in the gastric mucosa were absent in patients without H. pylori eradication.
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