Risks and associations of fish-oil products with prostate cancer: A study of 492,283 participants

s / International Journal of Surgery 12 (2014) S13eS117 S105 Introduction: Flexible cystoscopy (FC) is a common urology procedure; over 220,000 are performed in UK annually. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a potential complication with rates varying from 0.8-10%; most requiring antibiotic treatment in primary care. There is on-going debate regarding antibiotic prophylaxis for FC. Our aim was to evaluate the incidence of UTI following FC in our institution ascertaining whether prophylaxis is indicated. Identify the antibiotic profile of causative organisms to guide treatment of post-FC UTIs. Methods: We retrospectively analysed 288 patients who underwent FC over 3months. Patients were cross-matched with our microbiology results reporting system (Sunquest-Ice€ a) to identify those who had a urine sample sent for analysis within 30 days of their procedure. Results: Of the 288 FCs performed 37 patients (12.8%) had a urine sample sent for microbiology analysis. Twenty-five were from primary care and 15 from hospital with the median time from FC of 15 days. Ten samples showed significant bacterial growth with E. coli predominating. Most were sensitive to cefalexin (75%), nitrofurantoin (100%) or trimethoprim (67%). No organisms had extended antibiotic resistance. Conclusions: Our incidence of post-FC UTI is 3.47% suggesting prophylaxis is unwarranted. No extended antibiotic resistance was exhibited therefore no changes to antibiotic recommendations are required. 0580: RISKS AND ASSOCIATIONS OF FISH-OIL PRODUCTS WITH PROSTATE CANCER: A STUDY OF 492,283 PARTICIPANTS Catherine Lovegrove , Kamran Ahmed, Hamid Abboudi, Saied Froghi, Rick Popert, M Shamim Khan, Prokar Dasgupta. King's College London,
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