A justiça teórico-política ao matriarcado para se pensar a África contemporânea

The text is part of the epistemological works that value African thought. It aims to test the power of Amadiume's matriarchy concept to think about contemporary African realities. African matriarchy is seen here as an ideology built by African women since the pre-colonial period and which aims to structure, in an autonomous way, their organizations in all life plans. It is critical of the rigid notion of gender proposed by Euro-Western-American feminism and is against patriarchy, which manifests itself through toxic masculinity, which denies the dignity of women. The previous productions by the author of this text on the UNILAB African Women's Collective and the Movement of Rape Survivors and Sexual Violence in the DRC, revisited to achieve the objective of this work, revealed the plausibility of the concept in question in understanding the ways in which African women articulate, locally and transnationally, in the Brazilian diaspora and on the African continent, in academia and in civil society to demand recognition of their rights.
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