Identificación de factores clínico-angiográficos asociados con aneurisma del ventrículo izquierdo en pacientes con infarto de cara anterior

We present a retrospective study accomplished in the Hospital de Cardiologia Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI, to identify clinic and angiographic aspects that would be related to the presence or formation of ventricular aneurysm (VA) in patients who previously suffered an anterior myocardial infarction. Between January 1995 to June 1996 we included all the patients in whom furthermore we demonstrated ventricular aneurysm in angiographic study, were 30 patients (group A) and 11 without ventricular aneurysm (group B). The most meaningful results showed a greater history frequency episodes of previous angina in group B 81.8% vs. A 43.3% (p = 0.03). The hospitalization time was significantly greater in the group A 20 + 15 vs. 8 days given in the B (p = 0.02). The persistence of the elevation of the ST segment in the precordial leads of the electrocardiogram were more frequent in the group A 80% vs. 27.3% in the B (p = 0.005). The disease of single vessel was more frequent in the group A 60% vs. in B 9.1% (p = 0.0058). On the other hand it was found less collateral circulation in group A than B (p = 0.0008). We concluded that in the patients with anterior myocardial infarction, without history of angina, with single vessel disease and less collateral circulation, are group with more risk for development ventricular aneurysm, for this reason we must make the reperfusion of responsible vessel immediately with anyone available method.
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