Síndrome confusional agudo por colirio de ciclopentolato

The Acute Confusional State is a process with a multifactorial origin; when reversible, the most fre cuents are due to the deprivation of drugs and the effects of some of them, as the parasympatholiticm agents. These drugs are used in ophtalmology to obtein mydriasis and cycloplegic activity in the t reatment of several cases as well as keratitis or fundus oculi examination. We can not forget that it use as eye drops or ointment can produce systemic side effects. Many of them appair to be dose-re l a ted, and have to be known by the physician who use them. We re p o rt the case of a young women with acute confusional state following the administration of cyclopentolate drops at normal doses. We think it could be interesting, because most of these cases use to happen in children or elderly people or in the case of high doses.
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