Operational and Procedural Requirements for Data Management and Standardization. Edition 1. ATCCIS (Army Tactical Command and Control Information System) Working Paper 7L

Abstract : This document is a reprint of a document prepared by IDA in support of a SHAPE-sponsored Army Tactical Command and Control Information System (ATCCIS) Phase II study effort. ATCCIS is a common Army command and control system concept for the year 2000 and beyond. This document describes an approach to achieve data standardization in support of the development of information exchange requirements. The document presents a framework that has been developed for consideration by military, national, and international bodies in support of data management and standardization efforts. Specifically, an integrated framework for a common SHAPE data concept, a common structuring of data, a common glossary, a common SHAPE data attrition list, and a SHAPE and NATO policy mechanism to achieve data standardization are discussed. The document has identified data standardization as a critical and necessary element required to achieve interoperability in combined, joint, and coalition warfare operational environments.
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