Understanding how Victoria, Australia gained control of its second COVID-19 wave

Victoria has been Australias hardest hit state by the COVID-19 pandemic, but was successful in reversing its second wave of infections through aggressive policy interventions. The clear reversal in the epidemic trajectory combined with information on the timing and geographical scope of policy interventions offers the opportunity to estimate the relative contribution of each change. We developed a compartmental model of the COVID-19 epidemic in Victoria that incorporated age and geographical structure, and calibrated it to data on case notifications, deaths and health service needs according to the administrative divisions of Victorias healthcare, termed clusters. We achieved a good fit to epidemiological indicators, at both the state level and for individual clusters, through a combination of time-varying processes that included changes to case detection rates, population mobility, school closures, seasonal forcing, physical distancing and use of face coverings. Estimates of the risk of hospitalisation and death among persons with disease that were needed to achieve this close fit were markedly higher than international estimates, likely reflecting the concentration of the epidemic in groups at particular risk of adverse outcomes, such as residential facilities. Otherwise, most fitted parameters were consistent with the existing literature on COVID-19 epidemiology and outcomes. We estimated a significant effect for each of the calibrated time-varying processes on reducing the risk of transmission per contact, with broad estimates of the reduction in transmission risk attributable to seasonal forcing (27.8%, 95% credible interval [95%CI] 9.26-44.7% for mid-summer compared to mid-winter), but narrower estimates for the individual-level effect of physical distancing of 12.5% (95%CI 5.69-27.9%) and of face coverings of 39.1% (95%CI 31.3-45.8%). That the multi-factorial public health interventions and mobility restrictions led to the dramatic reversal in the epidemic trajectory is supported by our model results, with the mandatory face coverings likely to have been particularly important.
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