OZET Amac: Oral yolla yeterli beslenmeyi saglayamayan hastalarda metabolik gereksinimleri karsilamak icin enteral veya parenteral beslenme yollari kullanilmaktadir. Perkutan endoskopik gastrostomi (PEG), gastrointestinal sistem fonksiyonlari normal olan ve oral yolla beslenemeyen hastalarda uzun sureli enteral beslenme icin tercih edilen bir islemdir. Amacimiz PEG islemi yaptigimiz hastalarin sonuclarini literatur esliginde incelemektir. Gerec ve Yontemler: 2012-2018 yillari arasinda hastanemiz genel cerrahi endoskopi unitesinde perkutan endoskopik gasrostomi tupu takilan 128 hastanin kayitlari retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastalarin yasi, cinsiyeti, islem tarihi, primer hastaligi (peg endikasyonu) gibi bilgiler ile islem sonrasi gelisen komplikasyonlar degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Calismaya 52 erkek (%40,63) ve 76 kadin (%59,4) olmak uzere toplam 128 hasta katilmistir. Hastalarin 97’si (%75,8) yatan hasta, 31’ si (%24.2) hasta ayaktan gelen hastalardi. Yatan hastalardan 90 (% 92,8) yogun bakim unitesinde 7(% 7,2) si noroloji kliniginde yatmaktadir. PEG takilan hastalarin tamaminda primer tani SVO idi. Major komplikasyon gelismedi. Minor komplikasyolar 6 hastada (%4,69) yara enfeksiyonu ve 5 hastada (%3,91) PEG kenarindan sizdirma vardir. Butun hastalar semptomatik tedaviden fayda gordu. Sonuc: PEG deneyimli ekip tarafindan yapildigi takdirde basit, guvenli, komplikasyon orani dusuk, etkili bir enteral beslenme yontemidir. Uygun hastalarda, uzun sureli enteral beslenme icin oncelikle basvurulmasi gereken beslenme seklidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Endoskopi; Gastrostomi; Teknik; Komplikasyon ABSTRACT Aim : In patients with inadequate oral feeding enteral and parenteral feeding are used in order to maintain metabolic needs. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is a procedure preferred for long-term enteral feeding of patients with normal gastrointestinal system functions but unable to get oral feeding. Our aim is to assess the results of our patients who have undergone PEG procedure in association with literature review. Material and method: Patients charts of 128 patients who have undergone percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement in general surgery department of Gebze Kocaeli Fatih State Hospital between 2012- 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Data such as age and sex of patients, procedure date and primary disease (indication for PEG) along with complications following the procedure were assessed. Results: The series consisted from 52 male (40,63%) and 76 female (59,4%) patients totalling 128 patients. 97 (75,8%)of them were inpatients and 31 (24.2%) of them were outpatients. 90 (92.8%) of the inpatients were staying at intensive care unit and 7 (7.2%) of them were in neurology ward. Primary diagnosis was CVA in all of the patients with PEG. There was no major complications. And minor complications were wound infection in 6 patients (4.69%) and leakage from PEG in 5 patients (3.91%). All of the patients benefited from semptomatic treatment. Conclusion: PEG is a simple, safe and effective enteral feeding technique with low complication rate when accomplished by an experienced surgical team. In appropriate patients, it’s a preferential technique for long term enteral feeding. Key words: Enteral nutrition; Endoscopy; Gastrostomy; Technique; Complication
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