Financial viability and conservation role of betel leaf based agroforestry:an indigenous hill farming system of Khasia community in Bangladesh

A study was conducted to investigate the cultural and financial management techniques of betel leaf based agroforestry system practiced in or near homegardens of Khasia community in Jaintapur Upazila in the district of Sylhet, Bangladesh.The Khasia is an educated community where 100% of Khasia people were literate, a stunning fact for this ethnic community in Bangladesh.The average family size in the study area was 7.68, with a ration of male and females of 141:100.The homegardens of the Khasia are rich in species composi-tion, which 15 timber species, 22 horticultural species, six medicinal species, 13 annual crops including leafy vegetables, seven species of spices and five species of bamboo were identified along with betel leaf.The Khasia is an economically prosperous community with the minimum family incomes of Tk 4 000 per month(Tk.70=1 US Dollar).Betel leaf based agroforestry is very common being a prevalent source of income.About 95.45% of the households are involved in betel leaf husbandry.The mean annual income from one hectare of betel leaf plantation was estimated to be Tk.80979.This practice was proven to be a profitable business where the benefit cost ratio was calculated to be 4.47.Moreover, the species composition in the betel leaf plantation area(the forest area once utilized by Khasia for shifting cultivation) was found to be very promising to play the significant role in conservation of biological diversity making the practice a sus-tainable agroforestry system.
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