Recherches systematiques sur la photoreponse des jonctions pn de silicium a barriere de surface Application à l'amélioration du procédé de fabrication des détecteurs à avalanches destinés à la spectrométrie des rayons X mous

Zusammenfassung By irradiating the surface of a surface barrier detector with an X-ray beam (50 kV) or with a quasi-punctual luminous spot, the short-circuit current in a vacuum and in different gases (argon, oxygen, air) containing variable proportions of water vapor was measured. At the same time the relaxation time associated with the photoresponse was determined. These measurements made it possible to establish a series of criteria for fabrication of the surface barrier detectors to function on an avalanche regime. The comparison of the experiment values with those calculated by Cumerow's model and by that of the surface photopotential has furnished precise information on the structure of the p-n junction in view of a better knowledge of the avalanche mechanism.
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