2. Cleansing The Temple And Burying The Disciple Of Aristotle

The prints discussed in this chapter take us to Zeeland. The The Evil Spirit of Zeeland's protracted Church Convulsions, exorcised in a single day print does not stand alone. There is another one, accompanied by a printed key, titled The Ecclesiastical Funeral Cortege of the very pious Reverend Johannes van de Velde. Unlike The Evil Spirit, this second print did not attract the attention of the authorities and shows a funeral cortege. The viewer is left with a riddle: should help really come from Heaven or can earthly powers perform the necessary cleansing of the Temple? The two representations of True Religion prominently displayed on the pillars flanking the entrance probably stand for the two rival schools of Cocceians and Voetians. Actually, the two prints analyzed share both De Hooghe's style and outlook. In his Hieroglyphica, DeHooghe depicts Voetianismand Cocceianism as twin sisters, representing practical and speculative theology.Keywords: Aristotle; Cleansing of the Temple; Cocceians; speculative theology; The Ecclesiastical Funeral Cortege; Voetians
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