Spontaneous response to and expressive regulation of mirth elicited by humorous cartoons in younger and older adults

Many studies have examined the effect of aging on the ability to regulate negative emotions but less is known about the way the elderly people control their positive affects. Thirty-eight younger and 38 older adults were compared on their affective, expressive, physiological, and behavioral spontaneous responses to and in expressive regulation of mirth elicited by humorous cartoons. Compared to younger adults, older adults were equally amused and aroused but showed lower expressivity in their spontaneous reaction. They were similarly successful in implementing expressive regulation but they had lower physiological activation under amplification condition and more gaze avoidance from the key areas of the cartoons under suppression condition. This indicates that in older, amplification skills are disjointed from the physiological responses and suppression skills seem supplanted by a less costly strategy of attention redeployment. This also suggests that older adults’ behavior is not driven by a grea...
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