Морфологические показатели продуктов убоя цыплят-бройлеров при введении в рацион Продактив Гепато

Saving on feed at poultry farms causes loss of productivity and poor quality of the liver of chicken-broilers. On 35 day after slaughter, there are recorded such changes in the liver as fatty degeneration and haemorrhage. Therefore, various feed additives are used in production to prevent deficiency of important nutrients and to obtain high-quality products. One of these additives is "Productive Hepato”. In our test, we used the feed additive fot prevention of fatty liver and other liver disorders, as well as deficiency of B vitamins and essential amino acids. The histologic pattern of the muscle tissue and liver of 42-day old chickens in the test group was within the physiological norm indicating the safety of the products obtained [4]. There was also recorded the greater regenerative capacity of the liver in comparison with the control group, it can be the key to the higher resiliency against the background of technological measures (vaccination, beak trimming) when using "Productive Hepato”.
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