Traveler's Aid for the Video Age/Repurposing Transit Transportation Information Kiosks

A survey conducted on behalf of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) 2006 Transit Connectivity Plan found that travelers use all available sources of transit information including in-person assistance, printed materials and Web sites to support pre-trip and en route transit trip planning. According to the plan, customers also showed a strong interest in real-time departure information, wanting the information to be logically located and easily readable. Kiosks were cited as one of the ways that the real-time information could be disseminated. In order to provide these sources of information to the public, three key Bay Area transportation agencies – Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (SF MTA or Muni) and MTC – partnered on the Transportation Information Kiosk Project, which began as a one-year pilot in the Embarcadero BART/Muni station in San Francisco.
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