Оценка радионуклидного загрязнения плодов Sorbus sibirica Hedl. В условиях породного отвала угольного разреза "Кедровский"

We have studied the content of radionuclides in the embryonic soils and the fruits of Siberian rowan (Sorbus sibirica Hedl.) growing on the Kedrovsky coal mine waste dump. It has been established experimentally that the content of natural and of artificial radionuclides in the embryonic soils is higher than in the fruits of rowan. The main share of the total radioactivity in the embryonic soils and the rowan fruits accounts for natural radionuclides, especially K-40. In total K-40 radioactivity in the embryonic soils amounts to 91% and in the rowan fruits – 74%. The share of man-made Sr-90 and Cs-137 radionuclides amounts to less than 1% in the embryonic soils and about 9% in the rowan fruits. The analysis of radionuclides accumulation factors (AF) has shown that the artificial radionuclides Sr-90 and Cs-137 translocate most heavily from the embryonic soils in the fruits of rowan, but its AFradionuclides in fruit. The results have shown the absence of artificial radionuclides contamination in the embryonic soils on the dumps the content of Sr-90 and Cs-137 is significantly below the regional average for the accumulation of soil in the region, the level of natural radionuclides ranges within the background values of radioactive elements in the Earth crust. The hygienic assessment of the rowan fruits (Sorbus sibirica Hedl.) has shown there is no excess in the content of radionuclides according to the MRL accepted for the biologically active plant-based additives to the food, and the regional background of environmentally friendly areas of Kuzbass. The paper has concluded that the fruits of rowan growing on the Kedrovsky coal mine waste dump are ecologically safe as for ecotoxicants such as radionuclides.
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