Determinants of Unmet Need for Family Planning among Married Women Age 15-49 in Sumatera Utara Province (Analysis of 2017 RPJMN Data)

Unmet need is still a serious problem that has relevance to development in the field of population. TheIndonesian Demographic and Health survey shows the percentage of unmet need for family planningincreased in 2017 by 11%. This analysis aims to find out the important determinants that contributed tounmet need for family planning in Sumatera Utara Province.The analysis used secondary data from 2017 National Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) Data carriedout by National Population and Family Planning Board (BkkbN). The population in this analysis are allmarried women of childbearing age and the samples are married women of childbearing age who did notuse contraception The dependent variable is unmet need and determinant variables are socio-demographiccharacteristics (age, education, occupation, wealth quintile, number of living children and residence),knowledge of contraceptive method and service delivery factors namely exposure to family planninginformation and family planning officers visit.There are 795 women childbearing age who do not use contraception as many as 37.5% have unmet need(9.6% of unmet need for spacing pregnancy, 27.9% of unmet need for limiting pregnancy). Thus, 1 out of6 married women has unmet need. Variables of women’s age, number of children still alive, knowledge,family planning officers visit are important determinants that contributed to unmet need for family planningin Sumatera Utara Province with the most contributed variable is age. Communication, Information andEducation (IEC) efforts need to be improved on married women using mass media and family planningofficers visit. Collaborating with local community and traditional leaders in the paradigm shift about thenumber of children are important part in reducing unmet need for family planning in Sumatera UtaraProvince.
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