Study on knowledge and attitudes about HIV / AIDS of standard VII pupils in Tanga districts -- the impact of peer education.

During peer education lessons pupils in standard V to standard VII receive information and discuss questions around HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. Interacting with knowledgeable peers from their own age group and class makes discussing sensitive issues like sexuality and HIV-prevention easier for the adolescents. Each class has one girl and one boy peer educator. Contact teachers supervise these sessions and can assist if difficult questions arise. TGPSH supports the introduction of peer education in Tanga districts since 2003. In a series of training and sensitisation activities district trainers headmasters teachers and school committees were addressed. Today each district has two or three master-trainers from the Education Health or Community Development departments. More than 200 schools have contact teachers who supervise peer educators in standards V to VII. Various studies have shown that peer education improves pupils knowledge facilitates discussion of sensitive issues can give pupils life skills and contributes to preparing the way for healthy behaviour in later life. A study conducted in Tanga districts in August 2005 had the objective of finding out if peer education led to improved knowledge and attitudes among school children. (excerpt)
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