Exact Virasoro blocks from Wilson lines and background-independent operators

Aspects of black hole thermodynamics and information loss can be derived as a consequence of Virasoro symmetry. To bolster the connection between Virasoro conformal blocks and AdS$_3$ quantum gravity, we study sl$(2)$ Chern-Simons Wilson line networks and revisit the idea that they compute a variety of CFT$_2$ observables, including Virasoro OPE blocks, exactly. We verify this in the semiclassical large central charge limit and to low orders in a perturbative $1/c$ expansion. Wilson lines connecting the boundary to points in the bulk play a natural role in bulk reconstruction. Because quantum gravity in AdS$_3$ is rigidly fixed by Virasoro symmetry, we argue that sl$(2)$ Wilson lines provide building blocks for background independent bulk reconstruction. In particular, we show explicitly that they automatically compute the uniformizing coordinates appropriate to any background state.
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