Factors Contributing to Utilization of Health Care Services in Malaysia: A Population-Based Study:

Objective. This paper examines the factors contributing to the under utilisation of health care services in the Malaysian population. Methodology. Using data derived from Malaysian Mental Health Survey (MMHS) information on utilisation of four basic health services in the previous three months, namely contact with health care professionals, ward admissions, having diagnostic or laboratory tests done and being on any medications were obtained. Results. A total of 2202 out of 3666 or 60% of the MMHS participants were included in this study. Thirty percent of the subjects (n = 664) had contacts with health care professionals. Those with health complications, disabilities and those aged 50 years and above utilised health services more significantly as compared to those who lacked health facilities near their homes, had little family support during illnesses and were from the Chinese ethnic group. Conclusion. Factors leading to the under utilisation of health care services need to be further studied and needs ...
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