Apport du bilan médical chez le travailleur de mines au Burkina Faso

Introduction : The inhalation of the dust of silica stemming from the craft mining in Burkina Faso is associated with a lot of case of pneumoconiose. A medical balance sheet before and after the hiring of worker of mine should allow to make the diagnosis. Material and method : It was about a retrospective transverse study with descriptive aim from January, 2010 till December, 2012 at worker of mine received in structures of care of the city of Ouagadougou for medical check-ups. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire informed during the exploitation of their files. Results : 331 worker of mine, all male were one average age old of 33.05 ± 5.9 years old [21-54]. Among them, 224 (67.7 %) had come for a medical examination of hiring (MEH).The consumption of tobacco and alcohol were found at more than 40 % of the worker of mine in the MEH. No respiratory functional sign, and very few thoracic radiographic anomaly ( RT) had been brought reported at the worker of mine then VME.In the annual medical examination (AME) the respiratory functional signs were found at 63,9 % of the worker, and dominated by the dyspnoea of effort (19.6 %).The spirometry revealed disorders obstructive ventilator to 40.9 % of the worker. The TR showed small opacities rounded off by types "p" and "q" in 33.3 % of the cases. All in all 57 worker (25.4 %) were declared unfit during this MEH. Conclusion: The medical chech-up remains a strong link for the prevention of the appearance of the professional diseases of which the pneumoconiose at every worker of mine. It should completed by individual precautionary measures that collective.
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