Long-range single-molecule mapping of chromatin modification in eukaryotes

Abstract The epigenetic modifications of histones are essential marks related to the development and disease pathogenesis, including human cancers. Mapping histone modification has emerged as the widely used tool for studying epigenetic regulation. However, existing approaches limited by fragmentation and short-read sequencing cannot provide information about the long-range chromatin states and represent the average chromatin status in samples. We leveraged the advantage of long read sequencing to develop a method “BIND&MODIFY” for profiling the histone modification of individual DNA fiber. Our approach is based on the recombinant fused protein A-EcoGII, which tethers the methyltransferase EcoGII to the protein binding sites and locally labels the neighboring DNA regions through artificial methylations. We demonstrate that the aggregated BIND&MODIFY signal matches the bulk-level ChIP-seq and CUT&TAG, observe the single-molecule heterogenous histone modification status, and quantify the correlation between distal elements. This method could be an essential tool in the future third-generation sequencing ages.
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