Az energiafüzek produkciós képessége Dél-Szlovákiában

A vizsgAilatokban megfigyelt energiafA±z hibridek legfontosabb produkciA³s muta¬tA³irA³l a kA¶vetkezA‘k AillapA­thatA³k meg: • A dugvAinyok megA©ledA©sA©re jelentA‘sen hat az A¼ltetA©s idA‘pontja, a dugvAinyok vitalitAisa, illetve minA‘sA©ge, a kA¼lA¶nbA¶zA‘ kAirtevA‘k A©s kA³rokozA³k jelenlA©te A©s a kA¼lsA‘ klimatikus tA©nyezA‘k. • A nA¶vekedA©s dinamikAija hibridenkA©nt nagyon kiegyenlA­tett, mA­g a hibridek kA¶zA¶tt a nA¶vekedA©s intenzitAisAiban statisztikailag kimutathatA³ kA¼lA¶nbsA©g talAilhatA³. • Az egyes hibrideknA©l a vesszA‘vastagsAig a minA‘sA©g A©s a mennyisA©g mutatA³ja. A mA©rA©seknA©l jelentA‘s eltA©rA©seket kaptunk, a legnagyobbakat az Inger A©s a Gudrun kA¶zA¶tt. • A termelA©si mutatA³k kA¶zti A©rtA©kbeli kA¼lA¶nbsA©g (hajtAisszAim, vesszA‘vastagsAig A©s -magassAig) a fent emlA­tett energiafA¼zeknA©l a biomassza mennyisA©gA©ben is megmutatkozott. The following findings were obtained concerning the energy willow hybrids tested: • Taking of cuttings is significantly affected by the timing of planting, the vitality and quality of cuttings, presence of various pests and pathogens, as well as ambient climatic conditions. • Growth dynamics is highly balanced with respect to individual hybrids, while there is a statistically detectable difference in growth intensity between different hybrids. • Shoot thickness is an indicator of quality and quantity for each hybrid. Measurement results varied greatly, the greatest differences were measured for Inger and Gudrun. • Variance in production indicators (number of shoots, shoot thickness and height) was also perceivable in biomass output of the energy willows.
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