Present status of MHD research and development in Israel

As in the previous years the Israel MHD program is concentrating exclusively on Liquid Metal MHD (LMMHD). The main effort is the development of gravitational heavy metal power generation systems with a Faraday type generator (ETGAR-type system). However, in the wake of this main development a number of diverse research projects are also elaborated. Two of those projects are reflected in this paper. First is the direct contact boiling of volatile thermodynamic liquids in hot liquid metals and the second is MHD turbulence with a variety of applications. The LMMHD power generation project is now about to enter the stage of building a semi-commercial scale demonstration plant. The concept and performance parameters of this plant have been presented already at SEAM 30. Direct contact boiling of the volatile liquid in a hot metal leads to a substantial decrease of the cost of a LMMHD power generation system. Indeed, in this case a separate boiler is not needed. Moreover, the overall efficiency of the system is increased through achieving a more desirable two-phase flow pattern. A Special integrated facility for this study is in advanced stage of assembly and it will be put in operation soon. It will work with leadmore » and water at temperatures up to 750{degrees}K. In the field of MHD Turbulence research, studies of two applications are pursued. The first is related to the engineering of liquid metal blankets in thermonuclear reactors. The second is connected with a possibility to simulate large scale atmospheric and oceanic turbulence using a laboratory MHD channel with liquid metal flow.« less
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