Rapid identification by PCR of the genus Campylobacter and of five Campylobacter species enteropathogenic for man and animals

Abstract The nucleotide sequences for the 16S ribosomal RNA gene were compared for 33 species comprising the e subdivision of the Proteobacteria (genera: Campylobacter, Helicobacter, Arcobacter and Wolinella ). Regions specific for the genus Campylobacter and for five Campylobacter species important in human and/or veterinary medicine were identified. From these regions, PCR primer pairs were designed for use in species-specific identification. Primer pairs were validated against strains representing all taxa of campylobacter-like organisms. They did not amplify products other than from their five target species ( C. upsaliensis, C. helveticus, C. fetus, C. hyointestinalis and C. lari ), and they generated amplicons of defined size from large numbers of strains of those species. A primer pair suitable for identification of the genus Campylobacter was also identified and validated. This generated amplicons from all species of Campylobacter as well as from unnamed groups known to be within the genus, but not from any species or unnamed strains of Helicobacter, Arcobacter or Wolinella .
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