On the role of F\"ollmer-Schweizer minimal martingale measure in Risk Sensitive control Asset Management

Kuroda and Nagai \cite{KN} state that the factor process in the Risk Sensitive control Asset Management (RSCAM) is stable under the F\"ollmer-Schweizer minimal martingale measure . Fleming and Sheu \cite{FS} and more recently F\"ollmer and Schweizer \cite{FoS} have observed that the role of the minimal martingale measure in this portfolio optimization is yet to be established. In this article we aim to address this question by explicitly connecting the optimal wealth allocation to the minimal martingale measure. We achieve this by using a "trick" of observing this problem in the context of model uncertainty via a two person zero sum stochastic differential game between the investor and an antagonistic market that provides a probability measure. We obtain some startling insights. Firstly, if short-selling is not permitted and if the factor process evolves under the minimal martingale measure then the investor's optimal strategy can only be to invest in the riskless asset (i.e. the no-regret strategy). Secondly, if the factor process and the stock price process have independent noise, then even if the market allows short selling, the optimal strategy for the investor must be the no-regret strategy while the factor process will evolve under the minimal martingale measure .
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