Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem em uma gestante com Ruptura Prematura das Membranas Ovulares (RPMO): um relato de experiência

Objective: To tell the lived deeply experience, for academics of 9o period of the course of Bacharelado in Nursing of the Metropolitan University Center of the Amazonia (UNIFAMAZ), when elaborating the Process of Nursing to a gestante with Premature Rupture of Membranas Ovulares (RPMO). Detailing of the Case: Gestante L.C.S.V, 30 years, in 3o trimester of gestation (34 weeks and 1 day) in 9o day of hospital internment with RPMO picture. One is to a descriptive study, qualitative boarding, the type experience story that if gave for the accompaniment and daily evolution of the gestante. Quarrel: During the period of training supervised in obstetricses, the learning had had the chance to carry through the efficient applicability of the Systematization of the Assistance of Nursing, that resulted in the improvement of the clinical picture of the patient, being potencializando the care offered for the nursing team. Consideracoes Final: By means of this study, it is evident the accomplishment of anamnese and criterioso physical examination to subsidize in the elaboration of the nursing disgnostic and its interventions.
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