Bullying en una universidad agrícola del estado de méxico

espanolLa presente investigacion analiza el bullying en el nivel bachillerato, el cual pertenece a una universidad agricola ubicada en el municipio de Texcoco, Estado de Mexico. Se analizo el perfil del alumnado que asiste a la preparatoria agricola, se explica el impacto del bullying en la educacion, los factores de riesgo del bullying y sus consecuencias, un fenomeno poco documentado en espacios formativos del nivel medio superior y particularmente ausente en investigaciones de instituciones agricolas en Mexico. Se planteo una investigacion de tipo cuantitativa con una muestra de 112 discentes. Para la recoleccion de datos se utilizo un cuestionario, la informacion fue analizada a traves de estadisticos descriptivos univariados y analisis de correlacion de Sperman. El 99.1% de la poblacion encuestada manifesto que existe bullying en la preparatoria agricola y senalaron como causa principal la falta de valores entre el estudiantado, quienes discriminan a sus companeros o companeras; debido a los estereotipos de genero, son los hombres quienes estan principalmente en el triangulo del bullying como agresores, victimas u observadores. El analisis de bullying en la preparatoria agricola sirvio para conocer el perfil del estudiantado propenso a ser victima, agresor (a) u observador (a) de bullying: no son amigables ni tolerantes, participan en bromas, son violentos (as), agresivos (as), celosos (as), inquietos (as) y se sienten incomodos con personas homosexuales o transgenero. EnglishThis investigation analyzes bullying in a high school belonging to an agrarian university in the municipal area of Texcoco, State of Mexico. The profile of the students that attend this agrarian high school was analyzed, the impact of bullying on education is explained, along with the risk factors and their consequences, a phenomenon which is very scarcely documented in formative spaces of high school studies, and particularly absent in investigations from agrarian institutions in Mexico. A quantitative investigation was proposed containing a sample of 112 students. In order to collect data, a questionnaire was used, and the information was analyzed using univariate descriptive statistics and Spearman’s correlation analysis. Out of all the interviewees, 99.1% claimed there is bullying in the agrarian high school and mentioned that the main cause is the lack of values among students, who discriminate their classmates; due to gender stereotypes, it is men who are mainly in the triangle of bullying as attackers, victims, or observers. The analysis of bullying in the agrarian high school helped to know the profile of the students who are vulnerable to become victims, attackers, or observers of bullying: they are not friendly or tolerant, they partake in pranks, they are violent, aggressive, jealous, restless, and they feel uncomfortable in the presence of homosexual or transgender people.
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