Design and Procedure for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Power System for Ozone Monitor Laboratory at Anyigba, North Central Nigeria

This paper presents the application of photovoltaic power system by the use of direct conversion of solar irradiance, for power generation into electricity. It entails the design of a stand-alone photovoltaic power system as a power source for an ozone monitor Laboratory. The solar radiation data were used. This data was obtained from Tropospheric Data Acquisition Network (TRODAN) project for the chosen location. This is achieved through comprehensive designing, selecting and determining the specifications of the components used in this photovoltaic power system in conformity to the load requirement and estimate. The work depends on the variety of factors such as the geographic location, weather condition, solar irradiance and load consumption, which are all considered in this work. It gives a detailed procedure in specifying each component used in the design. A case study with minimum energy consumption is carried out in Anyigba. Detailed cost analysis and installation of a PV system have been estimated, which shows that, the initial investment is high but within few years will gain a substantial dividend and has a long life span if properly utilized.
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