Комплексные фармакогностические исследования растений семейства ивовых и прополиса – источников лекарственных средств

On the basis of ordering the literary data and results of own researches the affinity of a chemical compound of poplar buds and propolis, pharmacological activity of their preparations is shown. Studying the chemical compound of phenolic composition is spent: flavonoids and phenylpropanoids of poplar buds, willow bark and propolis. Methodological approaches to standardization of raw materials and preparations of Salix viminalis L are proved., S. acutifolia Willd., separate kinds of sort Populus L. Families Salicaceae, and also propolis. The unified techniques of qualitative and quantitative analysis of raw materials and preparations of willow, poplar and propolis by methods of thin-layer chromatography, Uv-spectroscopy, highly effective liquid chromatography with use of state standard sample pinostrobin are developed. External diagnostic signs of willow bark, and so poplar buds are investigated and defined.
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