Plant protection chemical schedule knowledge and adoption level in redgram growers

The present study was carried out during the year 2015-16 in Kalaburgi district of Northern East zone of Karnataka. The study showed that majority of respondents belonged to low level of knowledge regarding plant protection schedule, time or schedule of use of insecticide/pesticide for field and storage pests (74.3), whereas the Agriculture institute linked trained farmers, the maximum number of respondents were having medium to good level of knowledge about seed treatment, time of schedule of fungicide and other chemicals for diseases control and use of insecticide/ pesticide for field and storage pest (51.4%). In case of adoption level maximum number of respondents belongs to low level of adoption about seed treatment and time or schedule of use of insecticide/ pesticide for storage pests (69.4%). While after Agri institutes liked maximum numbers of respondents were having medium level of adoption were about use of insecticide/ pesticide for storage pests (54.3 %). Regarding use of quality seed of Redgram, majority of respondents belonged to low level of knowledge about source of availability of quality seed of Redgram (82.9%). However, after trainings maximum respondents belonged to medium level of knowledge were about time of sowing (62.9%).
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