Post-collisional volcanism with adakitic signatures in the Arabian-Nubian Shield: A case study of calc-alkaline Dokhan volcanics in the Eastern Desert of Egypt

Abstract A volcano-sedimentary succession, including the Guruf volcanic series, is exposed at Gabal Um Guruf in the north Eastern Desert of Egypt. A series of intermediate to silicic volcanic flows and associated pyroclastic deposits unconformably overlie quartz-diorite and granodiorite plutons and are intruded by high-level alkali feldspar granites. The metavolcanic xenoliths in the granodiorite are shown to be unrelated to the Guruf volcanics. Two volcanic cycles can be recognized. The lower unit is a high-K calc-alkaline series with minor basaltic andesite and mostly andesite through rhyodacite. The upper unit consists of rhyolite that is transitional towards alkaline, A-type magma. Both units are assigned to the Dokhan volcanics and interpreted as post-collisional. REE patterns are characterized by slow progressive enrichment throughout the suite, with heavy REE apparently acting more incompatibly than light REE; concave-upwards REE patterns in basalt andesite suggest residual amphibole in the source. Only the upper rhyolite displays prominent negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.35–0.73). Apparent crystallization temperatures of primary pyroxene are 800–1000 °C and of primary amphiboles 781–944 °C. The major and trace element chemistry of the suite can be modeled as a single liquid line of descent, with pressure decreasing as the magma cools and evolves, and a prominent role for apatite in sequestering CaO, P2O5, and light REE. Although upper crustal contamination and magma mixing cannot be ruled out, the data do not require them. The suite includes pyrophanite, an unusual Mn-rich ilmenite-group solid solution, not previously recorded in volcanic rocks in the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). The Guruf volcanic series is undeformed and unmetamorphosed, unlike the typical subduction-related volcanic units of the ANS. The geochemical characteristics are consistent with those of many post-collisional ANS rocks. The mostly calc-alkaline character and other traits previously interpreted to indicate an active arc setting instead more likely reflect remelting of earlier arc-related material from the pre-collisional stage (850–740 Ma). The lava flows of the lower succession have adakitic characteristics, including high Sr, low Y, low Yb, high Sr/Y, and high La/Yb. This likely reflects the influence of residual or fractionated amphibole in the ANS crust, rather than slab melting during active subduction. A post-collisional episode of delamination and heating of tonalitic lower crustal material, followed by mixing with asthenospheric mantle, created a primary magma with the characteristics of the Guruf basaltic andesite, including residual amphibole. There is no need for either late subduction in the area or long-term persistence of subduction-influenced material in the local convecting mantle.
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